LCF InMotion (December, 2015)

LCF InMotion (December, 2015)
InCircle Journal of Research & Development, #1 issue, December 2015
We have discussed about things to do to build a world-class university. And one of the most important things to do for student is being active in any kind of research, competition or any academic or non-academic activity that will bring positive influence to our university, environment and also our life. Here are some activities done and still runs by LittleCircleFoundation (LCF):
“LCF Youth Camp: Climate Change in Action” The First and Definitely Will Not be The Last Camp!
As we know, Indonesia is now facing a terrible condition because of the smoke from wildfires, which is sending haze across South East Asia that could become worst on record as warned by NASA, and we can’t just sit and watch. We cannot just wait for our government to take some actions, without even care with our environment while we know that this condition will also affect our environment. It has been proven that because of the some from wildfires, the air pollution levels have climbed to “very unhealthy” levels in Singapore, according to the National Environment Agency and the toxic yellow cloud is disrupting transport, schools, and business and caused hundreds of thousands of people to fall ill. Even, The NASA-linked Global Fire Emissions Database has estimated around 600 million tones of greenhouse gases have been released as a result of this year’s fires that will also make a massive effect on climate change. We might not go there to stop the wildfire directly, but as the young generation, we can start by knowing some important things about climate change.
To gain more information and enrich our knowledge about climate change, LCF is now having an activity named LCF Youth Climate Change Hero – Youth Camp on Climate Change that focusing on empowering the young generation to become agents of change in their local communities. Actually, this project aims to raise awareness about climate change, promote civic engagement for students, and increase the capacity for future leaders to solve environmental issues in their community. These camps will enable the next generation to create solutions to curb carbon emission and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. LCF integrated learning through action approach will empower high school and university students to become agents of change in their local communities.
The camp was held in Bali on 20-22 November 2015 and hosted 4 interactive climate change youth camps for 100 campers. LCF camps in West Kalimantan and Bali last for 3 (three) days and focus on building conservation, adaptation, and leadership skills as campers develop solutions to daily environmental problems. Lessons will include collaborative lectures, case studies, documentaries, skills-building workshops, and informal discussions. As a final project, campers will divide into small groups and formulate an Action Plan and Voluntary Commitment to tackle an issue in their community.
“Joining this activity is really needed, because by doing this activity we are actively participated to solve environmental issue as the impact of climate change. That is why in this activity, the participant will learn theoretically and practically by having a seminar and discussion about the daily environmental problems,” said Dwi Krisna Arjati also known as Dwi, the manager of LCF Youth Climate Change Hero – Youth Camp on Climate Change. Dwi said to join this activity the students only need to pass the selection first. There are two selections; they are proposal selection and the presentation selection through a video. So basically, all the students who are interested in joining this program need to make a very interesting proposal, which has a new innovation and the proposal is really useful for their local communities.
Last but not least, we are hoping to see an increased in awareness and leadership skills among the students who will participate in our camps and these camps will hopefully empower the next generations of leaders, social-entrepreneurs, and change-makers by building their capacity to design, implement and evaluate projects. The camps will also establish a community of like-minded youth who can continue to work together and discuss climate change challenges through social media and in-person well after the camps conclude.
“Developing The Staff, Developing LCF”
Along with this activity, LCF also has a brand new program called LCF Staff Development Programme. This program aims to make a better LCF in the future by strengthening the staff. To that end, LCF is committed to have the LCF Staff Development Programme in which to make sure that highly committed and motivated staffs will keep developing themselves and reaching their full potential.
Hereby, the Staff Development Programme consists of the following:
Personal and institutional coaching to expand and enrich their leadership and personal skills by having the opportunity to lead and supervice one of LCF’s Program;
Personal and institutional coaching to facilitate our staff to get scholarship to study abroad (how to; tips; tricks; and letter of recommendation);
The opportunity to represent LCF in national or international events.
Moreover, the requirements that must be fulfilled are as follows:
Passionate to give back to Indonesia and the community through her/his work in LCF projects;
Highly committed to proactively learn and bring about changes, innovation, creativity and improvement within LCF;
Willing to share her/his knowledge and mentor at least 1 future LCF staffs.
To begin the LCF Staff Development Programme, LCF was also helping StuNEd to hold an event in Udayana. In this event, StuNed will come to Bali and will held Holland Scholarship Info Session in Bali on 4 December 2015. It will take place at Ruang Widya Sabha, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (Sastra), Universitas Udayana, Jalan Nias Nomor 13 Sanglah-Denpasar. By joining this event, you will get the information about the scholarship for Postgraduate Program, Short Course, and others scholarship in Holland. This event is open for public and absolutely free of charge.
So, what are you waiting for? Let’s join LittleCircleFoundation (LCF) and be ready to be the agent of change!
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